happy birthday abah..for ur 49th birthday..u still looks young to me...handsome and young at heart too...thx for being a best dad ever..hehe..all my post about u already inside my previous post...
Sunday, June 27, 2010
happy birthday abah..=)..27/06/1961..
happy birthday abah..for ur 49th birthday..u still looks young to me...handsome and young at heart too...thx for being a best dad ever..hehe..all my post about u already inside my previous post...
Sunday, June 20, 2010
happy father's day..=)
happy fathers day abah..i love u so muc,,,as muc as i luv mama..hehe,,sory cant give u present,,but i just wanna let u know that ure the best dad ever in my life...i still remember,during high school,u love to come to my class to fetch me when there was holiday..haha...well,honestly im quite embarassed when u came to my class...yeah,.all my fren were looking at me..but after that i realized,that u love me so muc and wanna see how i did thats why u came...thanx abah,..and also,im so sorry if i always hurt ur feelings abah..i know,last time i scolded u because u instructed me to do something..im sorry..i know im not a good son...yeah..dat was when i in high school..but now,i learn that i need to be good to u and mama...so sorry for always hurt ur feelings...n im sory also for not being a gud brother to my lil bro n sis..abah,as a man,,u have tought me a lot..i need to be stronger..need to be independent...yeah..since we're kid,u always help us decide things in our life..like me,i dunno what to choose as my career..u help me by suggesting me to take QS..thanx abah..ur suggestion is really good..n i didnt regret for sticking with ur suggestion...n also u always 'manja'2kan us..haha,,,when we wanna buy ps1,u let us buy..when we want motor..u give.,,basically,u just agree to all our wants...thanx abah..really grateful to have u as our dad...i still love u no matter what u did...thx for always calling me though dat im oversea...i miss u guys...for all the things that ive done,,i hope u forgive me..i didnt meant to hurt any of ur feelings..im ur son..n i will make u proud..i will study hard here...n work..n then pay back all the things that u n mama have given me..although i know,no matter how long i live,i will never be able to pay the love that u guys gave to us..im as the eldest,represent all my bro n sis,to ask your forgiveness for the sins that we have done since we're child..we love u guys so muc..n always pray for ur happiness,,hope u n mama will live happily forever..i will make sure that all of us will success in life n make u guys proud...thanx again abah..for being the best dad ever...n mama too..love u!!
Vivid Sydney
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Official FIFA 2010 World Cup theme song
Ooooooh Wooooooh
Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher
See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud
In the streets our head are liftin’, as we lose our inhibition,
Celebration it surrounds us, every nations, all around us
Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun
Lets rejoice in the beautifull game.
And together at the end of the day.
When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes
Oooooooooooooh woooooooooohh hohoho
Give you freedom, give you fire, give you reason, take you higher
See the champions, take the field now, unify us, make us feel proud
In the streets our head are liftin’, as we lose our inhibition,
Celebration, it surrounds us, every nations, all around us
Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun
Lets rejoice in the beautifull game.
And toghetter at the end of the day.
When I get older, I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes
Wooooooooo Ohohohoooooooo ! OOOoooooh Wooooooooo
When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes
Wooo hooooo hohohohoooooo
And everybody will be singing it
Wooooooooo ohohohooooo
And we are all singing it
Monday, June 14, 2010
Even Israeli mother dare speak the Truths in a European Parliament Address
by Nurit Peled-Elhanan
Thank you for inviting me to this today. It is always an honour and a
pleasure to be here, among you (at the European Parliament).
However, I must admit I believe you should have invited a Palestinian
woman at my stead, because the women who suffer most from violence in
my county are the Palestinian women. And I would like to dedicate my
speech to Miriam R`aban and her husband Kamal, from Bet Lahiya in the
Gaza strip, whose five small children were killed by Israeli soldiers
while picking strawberries at the family`s strawberry field. No one
will ever stand trial for this murder.
When I asked the people who invited me here why didn't they invite a
Palestinian woman, the answer was that it would make the discussion
too localized.
I don't know what is non-localized violence. Racism and discrimination
may be theoretical concepts and universal phenomena but their impact
is always local, and real. Pain is local, humiliation, sexual abuse,
torture and death, are all very local, and so are the scars.
It is true, unfortunately, that the local violence inflicted on
Palestinian women by the government of Israel and the Israeli army,
has expanded around the globe, In fact, state violence and army
violence, individual and collective violence, are the lot of Muslim
women today, not only in Palestine but wherever the enlightened
western world is setting its big imperialistic foot. It is violence
which is hardly ever addressed and which is halfheartedly condoned by
most people in Europe and in the USA .
This is because the so-called free world is afraid of the Muslim womb.
Great France of "la liberte égalite et la fraternite" is scared of
little girls with head scarves. Great Jewish Israel is afraid of the
Muslim womb which its ministers call a demographic threat.
Almighty America and Great Britain are infecting their respective
citizens with blind fear of the Muslims, who are depicted as vile,
primitive and blood-thirsty, apart from their being non-democratic,
chauvinistic and mass producers of future terrorists. This in spite of
the fact that the people who are destroying the world today are not
Muslim. One of them is a devout Christian, one is Anglican and one is
a non-devout Jew.
I have never experienced the suffering Palestinian women undergo every
day, every hour, I don't know the kind of violence that turns a
woman's life into constant hell. This daily physical and mental
torture of women who are deprived of their basic human rights and
needs of privacy and dignity, women whose homes are broken into at any
moment of day and night, who are ordered at a gun-point to strip naked
in front of strangers and their own children, whose houses are
demolished , who are deprived of their livelihood and of any normal
family life. This is not part of my personal ordeal.
But I am a victim of violence against women insofar as violence
against children is actually violence against mothers. Palestinian,
Iraqi, Afghan women are my sisters because we are all at the grip of
the same unscrupulous criminals who call themselves leaders of the
free enlightened world and in the name of this freedom and
enlightenment rob us of our children.
Furthermore, Israeli, American, Italian and British mothers have been
for the most part violently blinded and brainwashed to such a degree
that they cannot realize their only sisters, their only allies in the
world are the Muslim Palestinian, Iraqi or Afghani mothers, whose
children are killed by our children or who blow themselves to pieces
with our sons and daughters. They are all mind-infected by the same
viruses engendered by politicians. And the viruses , though they may
have various illustrious names--such as Democracy, Patriotism, God,
Homeland--are all the same. They are all part of false and fake
ideologies that are meant to enrich the rich and to empower the powerful.
We are all the victims of mental, psychological and cultural violence
that turn us to one homogenic group of bereaved or potentially
bereaved mothers. Western mothers who are taught to believe their
uterus is a national asset just like they are taught to believe that
the Muslim uterus is an international threat. They are educated not to
cry out: `I gave him birth, I breast fed him, he is mine, and I will
not let him be the one whose life is cheaper than oil, whose future is
less worth than a piece of land.`
All of us are terrorized by mind-infecting education to believe all we
can do is either pray for our sons to come back home or be proud of
their dead bodies.
And all of us were brought up to bear all this silently, to contain
our fear and frustration, to take Prozac for anxiety, but never hail
Mama Courage in public. Never be real Jewish or Italian or Irish mothers.
I am a victim of state violence. My natural and civil rights as a
mother have been violated and are violated because I have to fear the
day my son would reach his 18th birthday and be taken away from me to
be the game tool of criminals such as Sharon, Bush, Blair and their
clan of blood-thirsty, oil-thirsty, land thirsty generals..
Living in the world I live in, in the state I live in, in the regime I
live in, I don't dare to offer Muslim women any ideas how to change
their lives. I don't want them to take off their scarves, or educate
their children differently, and I will not urge them to constitute
Democracies in the image of Western democracies that despise them and
their kind. I just want to ask them humbly to be my sisters, to
express my admiration for their perseverance and for their courage to
carry on, to have children and to maintain a dignified family life in
spite of the impossible conditions my world in putting them in. I want
to tell them we are all bonded by the same pain, we all the victims of
the same sort of violence even though they suffer much more, for they
are the ones who are mistreated by my government and its army,
sponsored by my taxes.
Islam in itself, like Judaism in itself and Christianity in itself, is
not a threat to me or to anyone. American imperialism is, European
indifference and co-operation is and Israeli racism and its cruel
regime of occupation is. It is racism, educational propaganda and
inculcated xenophobia that convince Israeli soldiers to order
Palestinian women at gun-point, to strip in front of their children
for security reasons, it is the deepest disrespect for the other that
allow American soldiers to rape Iraqi women, that give license to
Israeli jailers to keep young women in inhuman conditions, without
necessary hygienic aids, without electricity in the winter, without
clean water or clean mattresses and to separate them from their
breast-fed babies and toddlers. To bar their way to hospitals, to
block their way to education, to confiscate their lands, to uproot
their trees and prevent them from cultivating their fields.
I cannot completely understand Palestinian women or their suffering. I
don't know how I would have survived such humiliation, such disrespect
from the whole world. All I know is that the voice of mothers has been
suffocated for too long in this war-stricken planet. Mothers` cry is
not heard because mothers are not invited to international forums such
as this one. This I know and it is very little. But it is enough for
me to remember these women are my sisters, and that they deserve that
I should cry for them, and fight for them. And when they lose their
children in strawberry fields or on filthy roads by the checkpoints,
when their children are shot on their way to school by Israeli
children who were educated to believe that love and compassion are
race and religion dependent, the only thing I can do is stand by them
and their betrayed babies, and ask what Anna Akhmatova--another mother
who lived in a regime of violence against women and children--asked:
Why does that streak o blood, rip the petal of your cheek?
Thursday, June 10, 2010
7 Langkah Mudah Berbelanja
Mohd Fathuallah
Editor : Im Koyube
#1: Berbelanja Secara Tunai Sahaja! (Go Cash-Only)
Amalan yang terbaik ketika hendak berbelanja adalah dengan menjauhi kad kredit. Anda tidak akan terlebih berbelanja sekiranya anda tidak membawa bersama kad kredit semasa membeli-belah. Tinggalkan sahaja ia di rumah dan jangan sekali-kali membawanya bersama di dalam beg duit ataupun beg tangan. Jika ia bersama anda, kebarangkalian anda untukswipe adalah tinggi! Faktor anda tidak nampak duit anda keluar ketika membayar inilah yang seringkali menyebabkan anda terlebih dalam berbelanja tanpa anda sedari.
Berbelanja secara tunai.
Jika anda inginkan kebebasan kewangan dalam jangka masa yang panjang, tetapkanlah satu matlamat di mana anda akan selalu diingatkan untuk tidak berbelanja sesuka hati demi mengejar impian tersebut. Sebagai contoh, anda ingin bebas kewangan dalam masa 5 tahun sahaja lagi, tuliskan matlamat tersebut di atas kertas dan tetapkan satu tarikh berserta jumlah simpanan yang anda inginkan. Letakkan matlamat tersebut di tempat yang anda mudah nampak seperti cermin, peti ais, meja pejabat dan sebagainya. Matlamat ini akan menjadi pengawal kepada tingkah laku anda untuk berbelanja. Baca matlamat ini setiap hari.
#3: Bezakan Antara Keperluan Dan Kehendak! (Distinguish Between Needs and Wants)
Adakah beg tangan atau kasut baru menjadi tarikan kepada anda semata-mata atau anda betul-betul memerlukannya? Sebelum anda membuat sebarang keputusan untuk memiliki beg tangan atau kasut baru tersebut, lebih baik anda berfikir seketika. Jika ia adalah keperluan dan berada dalam lingkungan bajet anda, teruskan untuk membuat pembelian. Jika ia hanyalah kehendak anda, fikirkanlah kesan selepas anda membuat pembeliannya. Adakah anda gembira jika dapat memilikinya ataupun anda sekadar ingin penuhkanwardrob. Atau adakah anda betul-betul mampu untuk memilikinya? Sekiranya masih ada lagi keperluan lain yang perlu dipenuhi, pertimbangkanlah untuk memiliki beg tangan ataupun kasut baru itu tadi. Perkara paling utama dalam berbelanja adalah anda perlu jujur kepada diri sendiri dan berani untuk mengatakan tidak kepada perkara-perkara yang tidak mendesak anda untuk memilikinya buat masa sekarang.
#4: Berbelanjalah Dengan Senarai Perkara Yang Diperlukan! (Shop with a List)
Perkara yang paling mudah dan selalunya diabaikan ketika ke luar berbelanja adalah dengan menulis senarai barangan yang diperlukan. Bila kita tidak mempunyai senarai barangan yang diperlukan, daripada ingin membeli satu barang sahaja maka tanpa disedari kita sudah terlebih berbelanja. Mula-mula nak beli lampin anak, jalan selangkah ada tawaran syampu, promosi kopi, tudung murah dan sebagainya. Akhirnya daripada membeli lampin sahaja, beg plastik yang ringan menjadi berat. Tetapkan apa barangan yang perlu dibeli sahaja, jika anda tergoda untuk membeli selain daripada senarai, masukkan barangan tersebut dalam senarai pembelian yang akan datang.
Contoh 'shopping list'
Memang tidak dapat dinafikan sama sekali sifat setiap individu inginkan sesuatu yang baru selepas penat lelah bekerja selama sebulan. Lihat kembali kepada bajet anda, fikirkanlah berapa banyakkah yang mampu anda gunakan untuk tujuan tersebut. Sebagai contoh anda peruntukkan sebanyak RM200 sebulan untuk membeli baju atau menonton wayang dan sebagainya. Berbelanjalah dalam tempoh sebulan tersebut dengan peruntukan tadi. Bilamana peruntukkan tersebut habis, berhentilah berbelanja! Tiada pengecualian dalam kes ini. Anda tidak dibenarkan sama sekali untuk berbelanja lebih daripada yang diperuntukkan.
#6: Carilah Teman Untuk Keluar Berbelanja! (Find a Shopping Buddy)
Jika anda seorang yang cepat dan mudah tertawan dengan promosi daripada jurujual, anda dinasihatkan untuk mencari seorang teman samada daripada rakan-rakan ataupun keluarga yang mampu untuk berkata tidak kepada sebarang tawaran yang di luar kawalan anda. Anda hanya dibolehkan ke luar berbelanja dengan syarat membawa mereka bersama, jika tidak jangan sekali-kali memberanikan diri keluar keseorangan, bimbang anda akan terjebak dengan kes terlebih berbelanja.
#7: Meninjau Terlebih Dahulu Pilihan Anda! (Survey Your Selections)
Perkara yang terbaik sebelum anda membuat senarai barangan untuk berbelanja adalah dengan meninjau terlebih dahulu harganya. Dengan adanya teknologi internet, anda bolehlah menyemak senarai harga di laman web yang berkenaan dan membuat perbandingan harga. Buat ulangkaji harga terlebih dahulu sehingga anda betul-betul yakin dan mendapat harga yang terbaik.
good moning..=)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
rama band-saat saat terindah..
hanya bayangmu menyentuh jiwa temani sepi
kini semua cintamu tlah pergi
meninggalkan diriku dalam kehampaan
waktu trus berjalan dan memberi
perih di hati
hanya rindu yang aku dapatkan bukan cintamu
kini baru aku sadari
kau bgtu berarti di dalam hidupku ini
saat - saat yang indah saat masih bersamamu
waktu kita berdua dan mewarnai dunia
semua yg tlah berlalu kini teringat lagi
kini terkenang lagi
ku ingin kembali
ki ingin kembali
hanya rindu yg aku dapatkan bukan cintamu
meski kini kau tak mencintai diriku lagi
kini baru aku sadari
kau bgtu berarti di dalam hidupku ini
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
karena wanita ingin dimengerti..
Kemuliaan bagi yang memandang
Setiamu simbol keanggunan
Khas perawan yang kau miliki
Akulah pengagum ragamu
Tak ingin ku menyakitimu
Lindungi dari sengat dunia yang mengancam
Nodai.. Sucinya lahirmu
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Lewat tutur lembut dan laku agung
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Manjakan dia.. dengan kasih sayang
Ingin kuajak engkau menari
Bermandi hangat cahaya bulan
Sebagai tanda kebahagiaan
Dari semesta.. Cinta kita
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Lewat tutur lembut dan laku agung
Karena wanita ingin dimengerti
Manjakan dia.. dengan kasih sayang
Bintang Terang itulah dirimu
Janganlah redup dan mati
Aku dibelakangmu memeluk